Friday 28 September 2012

CF Clinic!

Wednesday 26th September -

ell I had my CF clinic, and Was very pleased with everything my consultant, CF nurse and physiotherapist said.
I was really worried in case my lung function had gone down, as I haven't been
able to do any exercise, because I have broken my ankle whilst I was at cheerleading.

Before I could wait for my doctor calling me in I had to go and get weighed and get my height checked, It turns out that I had lost 2.2 pounds, but on the plus side i had grown 1 cm;)
So i waited in the waiting room, until my doctor called me in, (he couldn't believe what i had done to my ankle:p) But he asked if I had been well the last few months/weeks, and then listened to my chest. My chest was clear and had no crackles in, so I was happy with him saying that!

Then he moved on to ask me about my weight/diet, so I explained that when I'm due for my IV'S I lose my appetite, but my dietician wasn't to bothered as I am not on any calorie supplements
but she just said if I don't put it back on by next month when I have another check up then we will have to sort something out.